Vote Delegation & Reward Epochs Explained | Flare Network

1./ ALL rewards epochs will begin on Mondays at 7:00AM UTC and Thursdays 7:00PM UTC.

2./ A vote power block snapshot from the current reward epoch is selected randomly and retroactively at the beginning of the new epoch. It is selected from the last half of blocks, in terms of blocks produced.

3./ Anyone who begins delegating to data providers, and does so before the delegation lock, will NOT be eligible to begin accruing rewards until after the new epoch has started.

4./ If you unwrap and or switch data providers in the middle of a rewards epoch, you are fixed to that data provider for the remainder of the current rewards epoch and will continue to accrue rewards from that provider.

The delegation to your newly chosen data provider will not take effect until the next rewards epoch begins.

5./ If you take no action, the system defaults to the previous epochs selected data provider(s).

6./ Rewards are paid out in $FLR.

7./ Rewards accrued during rewards epochs cannot be called / claimed until after the following rewards epoch has begun.

8./ Rewards calls / claims are good for 90 days. Any unclaimed rewards after the 90 day expiry are burned.

9./ The rewards claim process is manual, which you can do so using the button on the Rewards page.

10./ Newly claimed rewards, after the end of the epoch, will not be added to your voting power until the following delegation lock.

11./ Wrapping newly claimed rewards will add to your existing delegations, in the % in which they're delegated, you don't need to redelegate.

This post will be updated with any further information as required.

If you're new to Flare Networks and Songbird you might find our Getting Started index of posts and pages useful. It includes a post, Delegation Factors To Consider which is worth reading.

Other relevant posts include Connecting To Flare Mainnet.

If you're having troubles, please contact us on Twitter, or Discord.